The ViaVital Chiropractic and Health Services Centre is a long-established high-quality chiropractic-centred wellness centre is located in the heart of Helsinki, on Erottaja street (Erottajankatu). We also have additional clinics in Kulosaari.
Although we are well known for our chiropractic care, our range of services also extends to massage therapy and a variety of therapeutic services. We want to provide our clients with a comprehensive client experience. That’s why our quality of service goes beyond just an individual, effective treatment and successful outcome. Our clinic focuses on ensuring our clients’ comfort and relaxation.
Customer satisfaction is at the heart of what we do.
Simo Poutanen
Chiropractor, D.C, MChiro
Chiropractor, D.C., MChiro
“My goal is to change the way that personal health is often perceived. The main emphasis is on maintaining one’s health, not just treating various kinds of constantly recurring ailments. Chiropractic care is an excellent kind of treatment for this”.
Simo has been a chiropractor for a long time and has many years’ experience in chiropractic care. People’s well-being and the joy of life being restored in someone’s body who was once in pain is important to him. In his opinion, we would all be best advised to think more about taking care of our body as part of our normal health care regime rather than continually treating recurring ailments. Simo founded ViaVital in 2010 with this thinking behind his approach.
“When your body is correctly treated the first time, it is easier to maintain the health results that have been achieved when it’s being maintained properly.”
Above all else, Simo examines a patient’s full range of movement and posture to try to get them to work at their optimum levels. His style of treatment is fast, and often people are amazed at how quickly they see results right after the first treatment session.
Education: Master of Chiropractic, University of South Wales 2009
Hobbies: Taking photos around the world and exercise in and outside the gym.
You can reach Simo by phoning 050 431 0000
Joona Konga
Chiropractor, D.C, MChiro
Chiropractor, D.C., MChiro
“People have received help from me to treat many kinds of ailments. The treatment plan needs to be created based on the individual’s needs and goals to achieve the best treatment results”.
Joona has a Master of Chiropractic degree from the University of South Wales and graduated in the summer of 2014. The five-year degree included a year-long internship at the university clinic. Joona also has sports massage therapy training from the Sports Massage Institute of Finland which he completed in 2009.
“The first time I came across chiropractic care was when I was a patient myself and I got help by using chiropractic treatment for my back problems when I couldn’t find help from anywhere else. I became interested in the industry through my personal experience and later found myself hitting the books again.”
In Joona’s opinion, it’s important that care results are sustainable and that the goal of the treatment is not only to eliminate the pain but to optimise the body’s overall performance. The treatment plan should always be unique to the patient and determined according to the patient’s needs and goals.
Joona’s hobbies include sports and travelling, both of which he sees crucial for maintaining his own body, mind, and overall well-being.
Phone: 045 676 8408
Marianna Heikkinen
Chiropractor, MSc, D.C
Chiropractor, MSc, D.C
Marianna has a five-year Master of Chiropractic degree from the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic (AECC) in England and graduated the summer of 2016.
The degree included a two-year internship at the university's patient clinic in which Marianna also worked as a chiropractor for a local rugby team. Marianna ended up in the chiropractic industry as a result of her own experience, she says, “I know how frustrating it is to suffer from long-term ailments that you can’t seem to find a solution to help you. The first time I visited a chiropractor, it was so convincing that I wanted to learn more about it right away. The thirst for knowledge took me so far in that 10 years later, I graduated as a chiropractor and now I can help others every day who are in the same situation as I was!”. As well as treating adults, Marianna also treats children and has special expertise in treating children, right from babies to teenagers as well as treating mothers during and after childbirth.
Marianna worked as a chiropractor in the breastfeeding clinic at the Bournemouth University in England, later after she returned to Finland she was trained as a breastfeeding instructor. She also has special expertise in treating lip and tongue ties in babies as well as the mothers’ post-baby tummy. Comprehensive care is important to Marianna, and she would be happy to provide you with rehabilitation instructions and exercises to support your chiropractic treatment results. Marianna’s hobbies include hot yoga, which she highly recommends to everyone!
Phone: 050 538 8808
Jere Hyytiäinen
Trained massage therapist
Koulutettu hieroja
Olen valmistunut koulutetuksi hierojaksi Hierontakoulu Atlaksesta vuonna 2017 ja olen erikoistunut niveltoiminnan edistämiseen. Olen aina ollut kiinnostunut lihaksista ja muutenkin ihmisen anatomiasta, siten oli helppo valita ala terveydenhuollon parista.
Olen iloinen ja helposti lähestyttävä persoona. Harrastuksiani ovat golf ja jääkiekko.
Hoitoon tullessasi teemme juuri sinulle sopivan hoitosuunnitelman. Minulta saat lisäksi kotihoito-ohjeet joten näin pääsemme parhaisiin tuloksiin.
Vastaanottoni on ViaVitalin Erottajaan toimitiloissa aina tiistaisin, keskiviikkoisin, torstaisin ja perjantaisin tai sopimuksen mukaan.
Tervetuloa hierontaan!
Jere-Joonas Hyytiäinen
Tel. +358 40 163 0666